Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday 9w4d

Yesterday - ick.

Must admit that things have been worse since I've been eating the Panda Express, even though it's relatively low carb. However, after three days of it, I've had about as much as I can stand, so maybe it's back to regular no-carb choices. *Sigh*.

My mom is in town now, which is a big help. Thank goodness.

Can I say.... without being too too whiny.... that I am ready for this to be over? I'm so ready to start feeling better. I sure hope things turn around soon.

Love to all.


  1. I think you've shown amazing will power to stick to it under the circumstances but if it's time to stop then you've nothing to prove to anyone. You can always start again if you decide to, nothing lost. I'm with you on fast forwarding this bit. Xxx

  2. Sleepwalker, nice to hear from you! I miss keeping up with your blog! How are YOU doing, my friend? I think of you often - you are such a trooper. I hope that the advent of the 2nd trimester (right? soon?) is starting to treat you more gently, and I'm hoping the same for myself. Sending lots of love to the UK!!

  3. Hi there,
    It varies here but has been getting better as time goes on so fingers crossed for both of us. I'm wk 14 on Tuesday and haven't been sick for a while but still have nausea which makes me stay in bed. I don't know, it's so much better than last time so I'm grateful but all the days where I get nothing feel like an awful waste. I'm not on any tablets but I am still losing weight although because I kept my spare on I'm okay. Just awfully tired and counting the days. It could be so much worse so I try to remember that and I can't help hoping it will just go away completely. I don't describe myself as having hg now, I've downgraded it to N&V. I would just love to know what a fluffy pregnancy feels like, I'd like a bit of blooming. Mum and Dad visit a day next week. Might kidnap Mum.

  4. I'm so glad to hear that!! Being on the upswing is so encouraging, and I hope to hear continued good news of improvement. I'm not there yet (the point where I can say I'm getting better rather than worse) but I'm really hoping. I know what you mean - I wish it would just clear up!! It never does. I would relish a bit of fluffiness. Well, we can dream. :)


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