Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday (11w4d)

Yesterday was a better day, with a rougher night. All in all, not bad!

My dad got into town last night, and they decided that they were going to stay on till Sunday morning. Then this morning they got up and decided that they were going to leave this morning after all, so they took off a few minutes ago. A big discombobulating!

Now to see if I'm up to handling a household! Children, cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc.

The short answer is, of course, no. But hopefully things won't deteriorate too badly before I am ready to take up the reigns again.

Yesterday was fairly uneventful. Our little guy had more therapy, I was able to play Legos with our older (while lying down, hurray!), and I managed to eat a few tablespoons of *foodment* tuna salad *end foodment*. Not bad, all things considered! I am even going to try to make it to church tomorrow, which should be interesting.

Have a great weekend, all!

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