Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Checking in, Wednesday a.m.

Eight o'clock, and all's well! I am doing today's check-in before some late-sleeping kidlets get up, so today's entry is earlier than usual.

I am doing just fine.... No problems. Continually thanking God for this!!

I am still doing the diet, just in case it helps (I don't think it does).... but since I've been too distracted and/or disinclined to do much vegetable prep lately, this means that my diet right now is almost entirely composed of meat, eggs, nut butters, and protein shakes. Balanced, no? But it's working just fine for the moment, so I'm not worried about it. I'm not losing any more weight, but I'm not sure if that's because the pregnant body (when not throwing up!) hangs on to weight more stubbornly, or because of all the whipping cream I've been using with the protein shakes! However, that is the least least least of my worries right now!

One thing I've been doing lately is making sure that I go to bed super-full to avoid those lovely moments of waking up in the middle of the night mildly nauseated from an empty stomach and panicking over the nausea, like I did on Sunday. I can't say I particularly like going to bed feeling like a stuffed turkey, but it's worth the pay-off. Fewer panic attacks, happier self. :)

I must admit that for the past week, life has really been on hold for me - mentally, at least! My mind is just intensely inward-focused, and I have been preoccupied, distant and forgetful with just about everything and everyone else. Routines? Fallen by the wayside. Cleaning? Don't come over right now. Please. You'll regret it. Cooking? Just forget about it. What wants dinner, anyway? Snacks are fine. :) I'm too busy obsessing to worry about things like that, LOL!!!

We are actually slowly working back into things like regular meals and usual activities, but I'm still spending a lot of my time preoccupied with mental anxiety. Days when we go out of the house have been good for me, because they force me to focus on something else. (And normally I'm a very stay-at-home person!)

Yesterday we went to an Open Gym at a local gymnastics training center, and that was really good for me. A whole 2 1/2 hours where I hardly thought about this situation at all! Our son had fun, too. As usual, he spent a majority of the time walking around just looking at things and not wanting to jump in (he is just like a cat around water when it comes to new things), but he finally discovered the trampoline jump into the foam pit, and spent a riotous 45 minutes with that in the end. Too bad it's so expensive - I'd go back all the time if it wasn't! As it was, it's going to have to be a special occasion.

Anyhow, we are doing just fine over here, hanging in there and waiting to see what the future is going to hold. We're in a holding pattern for now! But a pleasant one, and I'm happy for it to stay this way.

Thank you for all of the kind notes of support! Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I love the 'please don't come over' regarding cleaning. If I could tell friends to come over and pitch in without feeling guilty about just being in bed while they toiled then they could all come but I just couldn't. They could send a cleaner as a present!


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