Sunday, April 19, 2015

Have You Heard? (Walmart Delivers!)

Have you heard about Walmart's new shopping and/or delivery service?

We love it!

Walmart is now providing two services:

  1. They will shop for you! You order your groceries online, name a pick-up time, and then drive to the side of the store for pick-up. This service is FREE.
  2. They will also deliver (from some locations). There is a fee for this service, though it is supposed to be free for the first three months when you sign up. 

We have used the order-and-pickup service three times now, and it has been superb. The website is very user-friendly, and I felt completely at home with it within five minutes (unlike some websites that take years to understand!).

Here are some of the other perks:
  • Ordering from the comfort of your home (i.e. without having to spend an hour shopping with a gaggle of children in tow)
  • Seeing price breakdowns (they provide the per ounce/unit prices) and being able to compare prices between brands and sizes
  • Free upgrades. If they don't have the generic you ordered, they'll give you a name brand. If they don't have the size you ordered, they'll give you a bigger size. All for free. 

This service applies to groceries only (as far as I know), so it covers food, laundry products, toiletries, baby care, etc. - but perhaps not lawn care or automotive. 

I am not a fan of grocery shopping, so this service is heavenly for me. My husband enjoys shopping more than I, but even he prefers a quick 10-minute trip for groceries instead of the 90-minute ordeal in a crowded store. 

If you sign up, please use my referral link so that we can both get a discount! 



  1. This is AMAZING! I'm going to check it out!!!!

  2. Not available in my area yet :( But I'll be watching for it to arrive.

    1. Anne, I'm so sorry - I thought this was nation-wide!! Hopefully soon for you!

  3. It's not in my area yet either but what a way to save time! I would LOVE to have someone else grab all my groceries for me.

    1. Tristan, I should have checked this before publishing - I just assumed it was everywhere. I hope that it is in your area soon!


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