Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back from Genetics

Did I say we'd "finish with the medical machine"? Ha, ha! Well, I suspected that I'd be eating my words.

I am.

Anyhow, we had our appointment with Phoenix Genetics today (follow-up to our original appointment). It was pretty basic - our (wonderful!) geneticist just confirmed that all genetic tests have shown negative results, and she confirmed that she wants our neurologist to go over baby's brain MRI to evaluate the abnormalities found with that.

She also ordered more tests - blood, urine, audiology. She is looking into metabolic disorders in particular. I asked her if the fact that baby has physiological markers would not rule out metabolic disorders, and she said that the possibility of a metabolic disorder was remote, but not impossible, and should be ruled out.

So we're off for more labs, more appointments, etc. However, I do have hopes that we are starting to wind down with this thing - it's not nearly as intense as it was for the first couple of months. Thank goodness!

Have a great week, everyone!

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