Monday, October 6, 2008


I'm afraid both of my blogs have been terribly neglected lately. Frankly, I've been a bit swamped. I've been running after a toddler and keeping house, working at church (our busiest time of the year, secretary-wise), attending two weekly Bible studies, helping a friend tie up loose ends before her move, trying out a new birth activism group, attempting to pack (as in one box per week.... or less....) and dealing with the beginning stages of our home purchase (inspection should start this week). And we're probably going to have houseguests this week! Oh, and I'm helping lead a choral ensemble! And trying to fit in social engagements! And starting a big and incredibly stressful project at church! Aaahhhh!!!

Deep breath.

Oh yes, and I forgot the most stressful part of our life right now.... ANTS. Everywhere. Literally. We are spending an hour or more a day vacuuming ants and putting down environmentally-friendly spray. It's not doing much good. This morning we got up to find them pouring in through cracks around our kitchen window and covering the floor and the trash cans and the counters. Last night before we went to bed we were trying to deal with what looks like an erupting nest underneath our telephone table. These guys can drive one to distraction! This morning I'm off to Lowe's to find something stronger. I may be an environmental freak, but there's only so much one average woman can take!

Anyhow, I'm afraid that both of my poor blogs will be neglected at least until the first of the year. By then the busiest time at church is over and our move should be completed. And by then, if we want to, it will be time to start thinking about another little one!

Our "Phoenix hyperemesis club" (myself, Sarah & Jenna) will be having a gathering for our families to meet later in the month, so that should be fun, and I will report in after that happens. I really don't think there are many HG groups out there! I've had a blast with our little group so far.

I'll try to check in here occasionally! As mentioned in my last post, the research goes on. Since I never know when another little one is going to make an unexpected entrance, I do want to be prepared. Thankfully I think that I'm almost at the end of my preliminary research - that which is required to form my tentative protocol. I may keep researching and revising from there on out, but at least I'll have a definite plan that can be put into immediate action, with backup research, without having to go into a tailspin of panic like I did last month. We are progressing!

Love to all!

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