Friday, January 31, 2014

Fun With Homeschool MAPS - China!

We had great fun with our map of England, and I couldn't wait to continue the fun with China! Here are some pictures of the map of China that we worked on this week.

It's not complete, and we are adding things as we go - but this is beginning!

One rather embarrassing thing about home education is that it is revealing to me how bad my own education was! Seriously, people - I had no idea that Taiwan was an island. Or that Hong Kong was on mainland China. Or that China bordered both Korea and Vietnam (plus about fifteen other countries!). Absolutely no idea whatsoever.

The awesome part of that is, of course, that I get to remedy the glaring defects in my own education while I learn alongside my children. A definite win-win situation!

We're enjoying this journey through the world very much - there is so much to learn, and it's so much fun! Who knew that school could be so awesome?

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