Friday, March 7, 2014

A Must-Try Homeschool Elementary Science Experiment!

This week our homeschool elementary science experiment was a huge hit around here! The whole family participated in what was one of the most fun projects we've had yet, and I wanted to share a few pictures.

The experiment was the famous Testing pH with Red Cabbage project, something about which I have read for years but never experienced.

Starting with a red cabbage and a blender:

Leftover cabbage pulp after draining.

Red cabbage puree - unfortunately the picture doesn't do justice to the gorgeous purple color! 

The puree is added to various household chemicals (ammonia, vinegar, baking soda solution, etc.) and the resulting color is an indicator of pH. According to the aforementioned link,

pH 2 = red
pH 4 = purple
pH 6 = violet
pH 8 = blue
pH 10 = blue-green
pH 12 = green

The color changes were dramatic - and beautiful!

Results (after adding cabbage extract) left to right are: Baking soda solution, ammonia, vinegar
After doing those standard three, the guys went wild testing all sorts of household liquids and solutions - shampoo, vanilla, you name it!

They had a great time - this was definitely a keeper. It's very easy and inexpensive to do - buy a red cabbage and round up some household chemicals you probably already have, and you're set.

I love home education! In my entire elementary school years, we did a total of perhaps two science experiments. Now that I'm getting to do science experiments weekly with my children, I feel like I am educating them and making up for all that I missed. It's awesome, and we're really enjoying the fun and great learning.


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