Saturday, July 27, 2013

Nature Walks! Or Not. Mostly Not.

One of my ongoing projects is an attempt to make nature walks a part of our home education curriculum (see this great article! - and this one too!). I love the idea, and I also love the outdoors and want to get our family outside as much as possible.

Getting the family outside, however, is the easy part. Leading successful nature walks is somewhat more difficult! Let's just say.... I have a lot to learn.

So far I have tried the scrapbook method (gathering objects to display on a notebooking page) rather than observing/drawing methods. Even that has been a rocky road, as our 7yo has very little interest in nature - his "nature collections" are mostly along the lines of discarded trash and scrap building materials! (The nature-type objects you'll see below are my doing.)

But it's a start, and I know I'll learn as we go along.

For your amusement, here are the results of our first three efforts. The writing is mine, at the 7yo's dictation. You may not be able to read the writing, but let's just say that it has precious little to do with nature! (Our 7yo runs more to Jedi narrations than to thoughts on the Great Outdoors.) At least he likes the hot glue gun we use to create our pages! (*Sigh*)

We'll get there, folks... we'll get there.

But it may take a while!

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