Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Moment to Remember

This past weekend, while we were at the AFHE home education convention, Grandma and Grandpa took our eldest to their complex's swimming pool.

While they were, the 7yo fell into conversation with another lady who was swimming. After they spoke for a while, the lady asked him what grade he was in at school. He said, "I'm home-schooled." She immediately responded with:
"I knew he had to be home schooled! I've traveled around the world, and have seen again and again that only the home schooled kids are this well-informed and verbally articulate."

You know, moments like this are the bursts of inspiration that I need to keep focused on our home education goals - to keep motivated on this journey. Especially during weeks like this past one, in which I spent a good deal of time wanting to wring said child's neck.  

Dear readers, when you see a child exhibiting some sort of good behavior - be it moral, academic, or whatever - tell the parent! You never know how much you may encourage a struggling mother by doing so. Even though I didn't meet this woman, I will probably remember the kindness of her encouraging words till my dying day - as I do those of other similar situations. (Just ask me. I can name them all.)

Never underestimate the power of encouraging words - especially to those in situations (like motherhood and home education!) with a lot of discouraging moments when one often feels like one is doing everything wrong.

(And, as a postscript, no I am not trying to discriminate against schooled children. This is just one incident that happened to our family!)

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