Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Moment of Parenting Hilarity

Last week, we were at a social gathering having lunch with friends. As usually happens during such functions, the baby toys that we have stuffed into the net side-pockets of our diaper bag started "wandering" as they were appropriated by various passing toddlers. We're used to this, and we just round them up when it's time to leave.

Close to the time when we would start wanting to head for the car, a wee little man toddled by, holding one of our baby toys. DH pointed to him and turned to me:

DH: Hey! Is that one of ours?
Me: Mmm.... I don't know. I think so. What do you think?
DH: I guess so.

We turned back to our table companions, only to find them all with rather flabbergasted looks on their faces. As you probably guessed, we were referring to the toy, but they all thought we were referring to the child.

Yes, it would be pretty bad if we couldn't tell our own children when we only have three!

We've been laughing about that one ever since.

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