Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Scouting the Possibilities

This year brought an unexpected change for our family - the introduction of Cub Scouts! It has been an excellent thing for our family, and I am very excited about it.

Actually, it is also a huge answer to prayer. I have wanted to become a scouting family for several years, but DH was not on board. Every so often, we would have the following conversation:

Me: "You know, I think boy scouts would be fun. We could start it next year."
DH: "No way. I do not want to do scouts. Nothing doing."

Then, about a month and a half ago, there was the following conversation:

DH: "Hey! It's time to sign up for scouting! We need to get moving!"
Me: "Errr.... what?"

And that was that.

DH and our eldest are having a blast with their cub scout pack, and it has been a great experience for them. Here are some of the components that I love about cub/boy scouts:

- Basis in Christian faith (this varies from pack to pack - some are Christian, some are LDS, some are primarily secular)

- Father/Son participation

- Focus on respect and obedience

- Focus on other great character qualities - service to others, personal responsibility, loyalty, courtesy, cheerfulness, bravery, cleanliness, etc.

- Learning outdoor skills

- An all-boy environment - it continues to amaze me how incredibly different boys are from girls. Obvious, but true. And all-boy environments are just terrific for boys (ditto with girls).

And one minor plus - the homework is something that DH can do with our son, rather than it being something else to add to my endless to-do list. I can't say that I mind.

Hopefully this will be a long-term commitment, and something that all of our boys can enjoy!

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