Thursday, August 26, 2010

Doctor #2: Developmental Pediatrician

Yesterday we traveled half an hour north to baby's appointment with a developmental pediatrician. It was a good visit, with lots of time and talking and looking over baby. However, if I was looking for conclusions, I went to the wrong place! Instead, we have more questions and another slew of doctor's appointments to make - to our original list (neurology, genetics, developmental peds, physical/occupational/speech therapy) we now have added cardiology, vision/hearing, and two state-run physical therapy programs. My goodness!

This doctor could not give us a definite diagnosis, as our blood tests are still pending, but she did give us her best guess, which was a tad intimidating - or rather, it's not too scary to me as I've had it on my radar since baby was born (due to something I noticed in him at birth, but then disregarded), but I think DH is a bit freaked out. We should know as soon as the blood tests come back! Of course, it could be a host of other things, so hopefully the blood tests will shed light on the question rather than just raising more.

I had no idea how complicated this medical thing could be! We've always enjoyed good health, so the complications of getting doctors connected, writing down and tracking vast amounts of information, contact information, appointments, and notes, is a bit overwhelming - though, as an over-organized type of person, I do enjoy the paperwork challenge. I just graduated our baby-medical-control-journal from a 1/2-inch to a 1-inch, due to the burgeoning paperwork having burst the smaller size, so we are on our way.

Hopefully answers will be here next week! Love to all!

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