Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Snippets and Tidbits for January 20th

7 Ways to RUIN the RELATIONSHIP With Your Children - "If you want to have or keep a good relationship with your children,  there are things that you should try not to do." (Character Corner)

How to Get Rid of Clutter and Live Abundantly - I'm going to die laughing on this one. This will strike a chord with anyone who has seen the extreme (i.e. New Age) side of the decluttering movement. (The Toast, hat tip to Mark's Daily Apple)

Why Chicken Nuggets Make Me a Good Mom - I really needed to hear this one.  (Raising Arrows)

The Elusive Titus 2 Woman - Thoughts that I have had for years, put down into excellent form.  (Jess Connell)

8 Reasons We Love Homeschooling - And I love the reasons she loves homeschooling! (Graceful Abandon)

From the Bookshelf

Continuing in my pursuit to read massive amounts of awesome children's literature...

Gone-Away Lake

I am a huge fan of Elizabeth Enright's Melendy Quartet series, and thus decided to work through the rest of her children's titles. This story describes the summer adventures of two children who discover an abandoned lakeside village.

This book was a "like, not love" book for me. It was enjoyable, but not overly so. I found the theme of two children wandering around old mouldering houses a bit on the macabre and depressing side. However, there was nothing wrong with it, it was fun on the whole, and I'd hand it off to my children to read.

Any other Enright fans? What have you thought of this work or others?

A Gathering of Days: A New England Girl's Journal, 1830-32

Most first-person historical fiction (and third-person historical fiction, for that matter) has the undeniable flavor of "this is so, so incredibly fake." That is why I usually prefer fiction written by people living in the times about which they wrote (i.e. time periods contemporary to the author's life and experiences).

This book, thus, was a pleasant surprise. It had a very believable feel, and was a very enjoyable read! I loved it. This was a rare find in a sea of mediocre historical fiction.

And from the world of adult literature...

The Best Yes

This book was a great sequel to "Hands-Free Mama," which I read last month. And better yet, this one was a recognizably Christian work filled with lots of biblical backing.

The theme of Hands-Free Mama was "Put down your phone and live your life." The theme of "The Best Yes" was, "Now make the best use of the time you have." They fit very well together.

I loved the points that Terkeurst made in her book, like: (1) chase (i.e. think out) your decisions to see where they will take you not just now, but in the future, (2) say no in order to say yes to God's best plans for you, and many others.

I highly recommend this book.

Dear readers, have a wonderful week!

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