Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tidbits and Snippets for July 15th

Do Less and Live More - Especially relevant for homeschool mamas. (Becoming Minimalist)

Pastor Starts Movement to Lower American Flag - It should never have been otherwise. (Titus 25)

Hope, Redemption, Grace and Cost. From Gay Activist to Follower of Christ - "Dr. Rosaria Butterfield talks about her journey from a lesbian and gay activist, to meeting Jesus and what Christianity costs us." (Generation Cedar)
"There is simply no price you can put on the peace of God... There's no price you can put on a God who loves you enough to give you the gift of repentance."

What's So Wrong With the "S" Word? - "I can attest that there is at least one person on the planet who was sheltered as a youth and who, now in her 30’s, makes her way in the world quite well. That person is me. Actually, believe it or not, there are others like me. Many others. You might not know it though because, well, we’re just so adept at socializing." (The Modest Mom)

Preparing Homeschoolers for College Success: Reading Aloud - I loved this. (Smockity Frocks)

These Indescribably Precious Children of Mine - Taking this in a very unusual (and very convicting) direction. (Get Along Home)

What Should Christians Do in Troubled Times? - Yup. (Contentment Acres)

Have a wonderful week, dear readers!


  1. Why, thanks for the link, my friend! You always write and link to stuff I want to read, so I take it as a HUGE compliment when you give me a mention. :-D

  2. Why, thanks for the link, my friend! You always write and link to stuff I want to read, so I take it as a HUGE compliment when you give me a mention. :-D

    1. You're very welcome, Cindy! I always love linking to your articles. :)


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