Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tidbits for February 18th

Why We Homeschool - "I homeschool because of the benefits I personally received from it. It IS a sacrifice. I'll admit the odd jealous twinge when I see moms drop their kids off at school and meet for coffee or go shopping. But in the end, I KNOW it is worth it." (Hip Homeschooling)

Why I Don't Publicly Share My Due Date - "I’m one of those crazy moms that probably drive you batty." (The Modest Mom)

Homeschool Information Overload (First in the series)- "I enjoy research.  I enjoy learning about new curricula... But when the information we acquire from all our research, blog reading, and discussions with friends stops us dead in our tracks and keeps us from moving forward with energy, enthusiasm, and faith, we have to learn to shut it down." (Raising Arrows)

10 Homesteading Ideas That Can Save You Money - I could stand to work on a lot of these. (Growing in His Grace via Thrifty T's Treasures)

Age With Zeal - Yes, yes, yes! (Out of the Ordinary, Hat Tip to
"Aging is a part of God's created order, and as Christian women, we don't want to be sucked into the pursuit of eternal youth. We want to embrace that grey hair, those hard won wrinkles, that extra girth around the middle which demonstrates the years of living which we've done. We don't want to look like those aging celebrities who inject their faces with stuff that makes them look as though they've been attacked by a vacuum cleaner. We don't want resort to dressing like we're twenty-one in the name of taking pride in our aging bodies. But aging is more than bodily changes; it's about our hearts, minds, and attitudes." (Age With Zeal)

Fun Stuff

Beethoven's Wig

This is a series of classical pieces with funny lyrics added. We are especially fond of the first number, "Beethoven's Wig." Watch an animated version of that number here.

Have a wonderful week, dear readers! 

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