Monday, June 8, 2015

Tidbits and Snippets for June 8th

The Atmosphere of Your Home - Printing this one to keep! (Raising Homemakers)

Who to Blame for Abuse? - Excellent material on how to keep churches safe from child predators. (The Common Room)

When "Christian Parenting" Isn't Christian - So much truth in this. (Not the Former Things, hat tip to Contentment Acres)
^ This blog also has tons of other great articles, especially concerning special needs parenting. Check it out!

Stage Two Exile: Are You Ready For It? - A fascinating examination of the past fifty-or-so years of church history, with an evaluation of where current trends are headed. (The Gospel Coalition Australia)

A Human Life's Worth - "Bringing children into the world and raising them to know Jesus pleases the Lord. This is what He has asked us to do. Yes, there is pain and suffering in the process, but we do it as an act of obedience and love for Him." (Always Learning)

Stay on the Nest"Be faithful in the things that no one sees, no one notices -- read the extra book, pick up the clutter, use every opportunity to talk to your children about the Lord, to relate everything back to Him. Be faithful in the drudgery, in the tedious, in the unpleasant and difficult.  Be faithful, because Someone does see; and He will be your Reward." (Ready to Be Offered)

Dear Mark: Nutrient Deficiencies and Fatigue - Having always had issues with fatigue, I found this interesting. (Mark's Daily Apple)

"Sometimes God allows us to experience deep wounds that bring a lot of anguish to our hearts. Through His grace and mercy, we are wounded right where we need to be in order to grow closer to Him. Refinement hurts. God says we are made strong when we are weak."

Recipe Corner

It is rare that I find a recipe that is low-carb, gluten-free, popular with the whole family, AND fast and easy to make. (Rare as in it never happens.) Thus, this recipe for Unburgers was a huge success. I am so excited to have another recipe to add to my regular repertoire! (My Joy-Filled Life)

Southern Fried Chicken - This was great! I followed commenters' advice to (1) soak the chicken in salted ice water for 20 minutes first, and (2) do a first flour-coat, wait 20 minutes, and then do another coat before frying. (

This recipe for Chicken Louisiana looks great! I am planning to make it in a crockpot for church lunch. (Raising Homemakers)

From the Bookshelf

Love Another Child: Children. They're blessings. Always.

There's only one thing to say about this book:

Go order it on Amazon right now.

Seriously. It's that good. It's a read-it-or-ELSE kind of book.

The Jeubs examine many issues concerning childbearing from the perspective of biblical Christianity, contrasted against the modern anti-child culture of the secular world. There will be a lot of eye-opening moments, especially for those of us in Protestant churches.

I cannot speak highly enough of this book. And while I borrowed it from a friend to read, I cannot wait to have a copy of my own. I also hope to buy the authors' other book, Love in the House.

Check out the authors' website here.

The Moffats

I am so enjoying this little series. Gentle, sweet, slow-paced accounts of childhood from a little girl's perspective. Also great for learning about bits and pieces of life in earlier times that are no more - dancing school, parlourmaids, and other fun stuff. I wish that I had been able to enjoy this sweet series when I was young!

Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain–for Life

A thorough and precise explanation of the intimate link between gut health and brain disorders of all types (migraines, ADHD, autism, ALS, multiple sclerosis, anxiety and depression, Alzheimer's, Tourette's, etc.).

Again, I have to say... read this book. Go order it on Amazon or your library. Right now. This is priceless knowledge for anyone. Even if you don't suffer from a brain disorder right now, such a condition will make its way into your life sometime or other - either in an affliction that will affect you, or in the life of a loved one. And regardless, gut health is an important topic for each of us, aside from the issue of brain disorders. This is powerful and helpful information.

Ending with a wonderful announcement (and great article) from Cindy at Get Along Home!

Dear readers, have a wonderful week!


"What is there to appreciate about conformity, anyway? Do any of us really think we'll lie back on our deathbeds and ponder, 'So glad we were just like the neighbors'?"
- Chris and Wendy Jeub, "Love Another Child"


  1. Far and away my favorite of this week's shared posts was "Stay on the Nest." It spoke to my heart.

    And I shared the quote about conformity with my teens. They kind of snorted at it, but I could feel their brains thinking it over. :) I think I'll print it out and tape it to the fridge.

    As always, thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Thank you, Anne! This one took much longer than most to put together, and I was strongly moved by some of the items contained in it. I absolutely LOVE the conformity quote - I think I might tape it to our fridge too!! :)


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