Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quick Check-in (20w0d)

Here we are, at the halfway point!! We'll be there in no time!

Life is busy, nothing much extraordinary going on. Muddling through the opening days of our homeschool year (using homemade curriculum while I read madly on curriculum choices), doing AWANA and church and lots of reading, feeling great on the whole and recovering more and more of pre-NVP life. It always takes a while! The house is still trashed, but unfortunately the time to deal with that decreases drastically with each child. Hopefully I'll have time for a step-by-step turnout before baby arrives!

Now that we're 20 weeks, I need to start dealing with the fact that - gulp! - I need to start preparing for a birth! Exercising, birth exercises, reading, listening to tapes if I go that route, etc. The clock is ticking!

A long time ago, I made a commitment that at 20 weeks I would take the plunge and write out the story of what actually happened during weeks 4-6 of this pregnancy. But now that 20 weeks is here, I find myself still.... utterly terrified at the thought of reliving that. I think I'd rather wait a while. Like till menopause. Or ten years after menopause. Heck, make it my deathbed. That's the only time I'll be truly safe from repeat HG, in all truth! (Talking about HG is always so frightening because of the thought of what could happen in the future.)

But anyhow, I really do need to write out that story while it is still somewhat fresh in my mind - before we get into end-of-pregnancy craziness and then have a new baby to deal with. So... I guess I'll try to get on that in the next few days.

We also had our second midwife visit - several weeks ago, actually - and it was a lot of fun! I ended up making her talk midwifery politics for a solid hour, and it was sheer heaven. You can read her blog here if you want to get to know her; she is an awesome blogger and always has great things to say. She's also a very skilled debater!

Well, back to dishes! Oh, and speaking of dishes, we're on day 4 of going gluten-free, and it's going well! It's not that hard, really, considering that I had to give up so much more than gluten on the VLC diet (gluten, all grains, fruit, beans, starchy vegetables, sugar, etc.). So this is actually much easier - though we do really plow through the produce when we're not eating wheat! So back to Sprouts we go tonight.

Have a great week, all!


  1. Preparing for the birth already? I'm 24 weeks and I keep putting that thought off. I bought a book on hypnobirthing but in all honesty after my three day labour with baby one I don't like thinking about labour. I start thinking about it at crazy times of the morning if I wake up. I don't even know if the new midwife unit will be open as I'm due on the 9th Jan and it opens, maybe, on the 6th so I don't even know where we'll be going. At least the new house has a nice big corner bath. If I get into the new place each room has en-suite and a bath but the old place had a skanky old shower down the corridor and limited baths + only 1 waterbirth pool which there was no guarantee of. I can't have a home birth as I'm considered medium risk because of my thyroid condition. I've been taking the 'think about anything else' approach. It's a bit daunting.

  2. Well, I say that I start preparing at 20 weeks, but 20 weeks is really when I think I ought to begin to prepare.... I'd say I procrastinate until more like 32 weeks, LOL!!! Yes, I use the "think about anything else" method too. :)

  3. Okay, did something about this. I just got in touch with a lady who teaches hypnobirthing and arranged for a friend to babysit when I book the 5 classes and I've emailed about a set of pregnancy massages to help with the pelvic instability. It's not cheap but I'd rather find the money than skimp on what is probably my final labour experience (think 2 is enough now). Must hire a tens machine closer to the time too.

  4. I've found writing about the bad parts of my pregnancies makes me feel really sick even though I'm not pregnant now so I'm not surprised you don't want to do it at the moment. I'm glad to hear you're doing well otherwise though.

  5. Oh another homeschool mother that suffers HG.
    I thought I was the only one.
    Oh Joy! I know it's weird as I sit here and tear up but I really thought I was going to suffer through Hg again two previous hg Preg and about to enter week 6 of preg #3 which is when hg usually starts.
    How am I going to HS and deal with Hg as well?
    Please share some advise I need it so much.
    I am terrified I wont be able to HS and deal with HG at the same time.

  6. Sleepwalker - You are awesome! That's great motivation for me!

    Anne - Thank you for visiting! Unfortunately, I have no advice on combining homeschooling and HG. This is our first year of homeschooling, and we are starting just as my NVP calms down enough for functionality. In all truth, I do not think I would be able to combine the two. I think we would just have to stop and then make up the time by schooling over the summer. There are some things that are beyond me! Someone you definitely could ask about this would be Zsuzsanna, who is a reader here - she is a homeschooling mother who has dealt with HG 6 times and counting. I know she'd be happy to answer your question: www.stevenandersonfamily.blogspot.com. Blessings as you continue your journey - I know how incredibly scary it can be.


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