This is shared, with permission, by a fellow member of the Preventing Hyperemesis Gravidarum Facebook group.
Ladies, I always love printing your protocols, in order to give other mamas out there ideas of things to try. Mamas, if you have a hyperemesis prevention protocol, let me know so that I can post it or link to it!
Emily's Pre-Conception Hyperemesis Prevention Plan
Before pregnancy:
Iron/ferritin- for deficiency
Vit D
Collagen hydrolysate
Prenatal (might decrease other supplements depending on desired range)
Paleo-really my goal is decreasing sugar, processed foods, and gluten
Celery juice on empty stomach each morning (look up Medical Medium celery juice benefits)
Liver cleanse-planning a 9 day or 30 day Medical Medium liver cleanse
Increase fermented/probiotic rich foods: raw sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, kefir
ACV shots
Ginger/turmeric cold brew tea
150 min/wk cardio at 60-70% effort
3x/wk muscle building exercise
Thanks, Emily, for sharing!
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